Sports pubs are drawing more people with big screen sport

Watch the game on the big screen, in amazing HD, at your local sports bar

When it comes to watching the game in a sports bar or restaurant, size matters – big time. There’s nothing like a rowdy, beer-drinking crowd jam-packed into a venue while watching the game on the big screen. Unless of course it’s a small screen and you can’t really see what’s going on from your beer-soaked seat at the back of the pub.

In this case you might as well go home, watch the game from your couch, and feign excitement when your team scores, while hugging a pillow instead of the drunk stranger next to you.

Watching sports games at public venues is great fun but you do want to be able to see the game. That’s when size comes into it. You want a big screen, especially when the venue is large and there are loads of people. Those venues with multiple large screen will always draw the crowds for the big games as opposed to those places that make do with home-sized screens, which might be fine in your living room, but won’t cut it at your local pub.

When you and your mates are deciding where to watch the game, you never go to the place with the smallest screen, you go for size, and cold beers of course. Now while most places serve cold beer, not all screens are equal – not by a long shot. The place with the bigger screens, can simply accommodate more people who can watch the game easier. It makes the game visible from a long distance and allows for you to fill large venues with large amounts of people, most of who are drinking and eating. It makes practical and financial sense.

In days gone by, there used to be multiple small screens scattered over any sports bar and maybe one large screen with poor quality. With the price of screens having gone down and the quality gone up, there’s no excuse for that kind of display. And the best screen is if the venue buys commercial. Commercial screens have a much brighter output, more robust and made with high performance in mind.  There is no use having a big domestic TV if you cant see it. Nowadays you should be able to see a big size screen from pretty much anywhere you sit or stand, and the quality should be flawless.

Going beyond the normal size big screen TV’s the next step is large scale LED technology. These are made up of panels you keep bolting together to make any size you want.  These are made for outdoor and indoors with the better the pitch the better the image.

Someone who decided to go large on a big scale was Crown; Perth’s newly renovated Sports Bar. They went all out,  engaging the services of Megavision to help them install three massive LED screens, which wrap around three walls of the bar.

The 130m² of wrap around screens is truly impressive, has taken sport watching in Perth to the next level and is drawing large crowds who are loving watching their favourite sport in almost life size high definition.  2 x “small screens”  are 8 m wide x 4.5m high and the large screen is 13m wide x 4.5m high.  522 panels all together of 3.9mm pitch to give you over  8.5 million pixels to look at.

If you are looking to up your game when it comes to watching sport on the big screen go large with Megavison or go home….and watch on the couch.