3 Phase Power Distribution

Event Hire/Event Equipment/3 Phase Power Distribution

To find out more about our 3 Phase Power Distribution

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Current Price $44.00

3 phase power distribution is often essential at large events and festivals – most of these large event will have production and site power run in 3 phase due to the larger power needs of audio, lighting, motors, heating / cooling, and LED panels.

3 phase power works like 3 lots of power from one socket, making it ideal for applications where a lot of power is required – i.e. event production.

We have two sizes available for hire: small $44, large $88.

Hire our 3 phase power distribution for your event and rest assured, you have your power needs covered. If you aren’t sure if this is what you need, no worries! Simply contact our friendly staff and we will be happy to assist.

Need to cover those leads and cables? Our cable traps safely and securely cover those cables. 2 channel and 5 channel available from only $11.


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